วันจันทร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

My parents and I live in Bangkok, Thailand. My country has a lot of the bad news and bad thing for example the coup d’état when the solider took Thailand, the government corrupt, a lot of violent in southern and etc. In my country, there are many good things too. My parents think we should not mind it 100% and hate it because our country is developing. We can be good person or expert in this society because it is up to you, not up to the society. I agree with that if you can develop in every society, you will be very good person.
Today I talked with my parents about my future. They said nobody know what is going to happen. If people know what is going to happen, world would be too boring. But it is your future; you can design what you want to happen in your life. I love that and I agree with that. I think if you have a dream, you can make it comes true and you will love you future, everything starts now.
About school, my parents said it is the good place to learn; there are a lot of good teacher, expert, good spirit, many trees. They said to me that I should learn everything good thing in there and let the bad thing go away.
The teaching for everything from my parents that I like it the most, my parent call it “the theory of how to catch the ball.” It is how to live in this world. The world has many things come to your life like a ball. You must which ball is good for your life, should not catch all ball.
I agree with that. We think you can decide what the future that you want. It does not depend the society, the school, the government’s policy. It is up to you.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How I feel when I do something special or imprtant.

I think I do not usually do something special or important. My life is so simple. I learn in school, go home and sleep; nothing is very special and very important in my simple life.
The most important thing in my life was when I went to do a piano exam. I am not sure if that was the most important in my life but I know when I did that I was very nervous and excited. I was nervous because I was worried about the exam result. My parents took me to music school and they expected me to do it well so I was nervous. I was excited because it was Wow! I would pass the exam and Wow! I was in Royal Academy of Music, it was my life.
In my simple life I do many things that somebody would think it is important, For example I have a lot of tests in one term,but other schools have test in mid. term and final, but I have a lot in some subjects more than two times. Somebody will think in every test are important. But I think it is my durty to do it for the future.
The most special thing in my life is everything. I said that because I do not know what the most special thing in my life is.
I think everything is as special or important. If I lost something very simple For example I lost my toothbath, it is going to the big problem because my mouth will have a bad smell and maybe I will have decayed teeth and my teeth will have a hole all my life.
I want to say everything in my life is very important and special. It will be the most when I feel about it but in the truth it as important or important as.

My life consists of everything, everything is my life. So my life is special and important to me. I love my life. So I feel love struck, feel good, feel excited, feel nervous, feel sad, feel bored, I feel happy, I feel lonely, I feel angry, etc.

วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


One culture is not for one country, in my opinion. I think culture for one country comes from other country for example many people think Pad-Thai is Thai food and Thai culture but the noodles come from China. I want to say now one culture is mixed by other culture. You cannot tell anybody that culture is from that country 100% such as French says croissant are French food but in the truth croissant was born in Turkey.
Last Saturday I went to interview the foreigners at Wat-Phra-Keaw, I interviewed one English family, the son said hamburgers are English food and his wife said it was American food, so now we do not know what is exactly their culture.
I want to say do not think your culture is perfect and other cultures are very bad because every culture has a good thing and bad thing. So I think is the good way is we should adapt the good thing from other cultures for our life and do not think this comes from that country not our country so we do not use it. And I think we should know about the country that we live very well because if people in that country do not know it then who will know it.
So do not ban other cultures from your life because you are not sure what is your true culture will every country has a good thing.

วันพุธที่ 3 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

‘What society expects of me’

I am in Thai society today. My society is my parents, my teachers, my friends and other Thai people. Everything that I do, I do it because I want to do but the thing that I do must follow in society rules.
Sometimes I do because the society wants me to do and I agree ,for example Thai society wants young Thai people today to study in school. I agree to do that because if I do not learn I will not work and have a lot of salary easily, but that is because of the society. Society makes the rules that people who learn so much will have a lot of salary easier than people who did not learn.
Now my parents want me to study nicely and have more discipline as the adults do. I agree with them to study nicely and I am trying to do it now. But about the discipline as the adults do I agree with them I can work better if I have more discipline.
The truth is l do not know what society wants me to do or wants me to be and I am not interested because I am going to do everything that I want and it will give a good result to me and people who I love. So what for the society IT IS MY LIFE.

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550


Hi, everybody. I’m Anna. I study in grade 10 on the social studies program. I was 15 in last Saturday. Now I have to describe my self, my English teacher ordered me to do that but I don’t really know who I am. Okay I will try.
I like to do an activity, activity in class, activity after school, etc. I like to all activities. Sometimes when I have to do an exercise, for example reading for a long time, listening a long time I will be bored.
Now it is my second term in high-school. When I was in lower Mattayom, I was very happy. I had a lot of friends, good grades; I knew what I had to do. Last term I had a bad grade. I think it is because I didn’t know enough what I have to do. I did something that I thought was cool not what was good. So the result was not good enough. This term I am going to do the good things for my future.
My plan for the future is I am going to get the scholarship about the law. Then when I will be a lawyer, I will work abroad and have a lot of salary. At last I will help people in my county because in my county there a lot of people who don’t know the law very well and are destroyed by the people who know the law very well. The people would be poorer; some of them can’t live and kill themselves so I think I will help them.
The future will not be important if don’t have today. So let’s do goods thing today.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

‘Young People Today’

Now in Thailand, there is a new trend in a group of teenager. This trend calls “ab-baew”. Teenagers always act cute and innocence.
There are many level of this trend, lower, medium, high and very high. Most of Thai teenagers are in the level one. I don’t like this trend because the teenagers always speak not clear and act innocence. The accent of this group is Thai, Japanese and Korean mix together. I think it is because Korean movie, Japanese cartoon and fashion are very popular in Thailand, so Thai teenager act like their favorite actors.
My parents told me that I am this group because I do not speak clearly and I do not act like teenager in the past, I do the littler subject, littler thing than teenager in the past for example I just study, and does homework and talk with my friends. Teenager in the past worked studied etc.
I do not know that I am in this group. My parents told me that because I am in the group of teenager and they all are in the group.
Now I try to go out of the group. I try to speak clearly and do the harder thing, harder activity. Then I am going out of “ab-beaw”.