วันอังคารที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


One culture is not for one country, in my opinion. I think culture for one country comes from other country for example many people think Pad-Thai is Thai food and Thai culture but the noodles come from China. I want to say now one culture is mixed by other culture. You cannot tell anybody that culture is from that country 100% such as French says croissant are French food but in the truth croissant was born in Turkey.
Last Saturday I went to interview the foreigners at Wat-Phra-Keaw, I interviewed one English family, the son said hamburgers are English food and his wife said it was American food, so now we do not know what is exactly their culture.
I want to say do not think your culture is perfect and other cultures are very bad because every culture has a good thing and bad thing. So I think is the good way is we should adapt the good thing from other cultures for our life and do not think this comes from that country not our country so we do not use it. And I think we should know about the country that we live very well because if people in that country do not know it then who will know it.
So do not ban other cultures from your life because you are not sure what is your true culture will every country has a good thing.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

[S]Kanpachi กล่าวว่า...

I agree with Anna though because it good when you want to do something what you want but stay in the society rules. Study in school its rule in Thailand the young people much study but sometime I think you much do something what you want to do think different depart the other people but don’t exploit people stay in the propriety. I think when you do something what you family want you to do it cool because it was requite to your family. The truth is l do not know what society wants me to do or wants me to be you can decide your life because IT YOUR LIFE.